Happy New Year to all of you young musicians and parents out there!
I think for everyone the new year is a time of reflection for the past and the moments to come. I don’t know about you but for me, enthusiasm is ripe at the beginning of the year and during the months ahead, I sometimes struggle keeping a few of my projects afloat. For some instances regret sets in and I feel I should have worked harder or stuck to my plan of action instead of heading in another direction. For some projects, I feel I should have started sooner. I think the one thing I absolutely never regret is that of starting a project before the actual opportunity exists. Seeing an opportunity off in the distance and preparing for it even though it has not materialized right in front of me.
Say, an audition; I want to audition for a certain group but the group I would love to play in has no openings. Getting a hold of an old audition list and starting to work on it is something that would be beneficial. I mean, all groups have openings at some point so beginning my preparation would be a great idea as long as I do not get burned out by the time there is an opening. So I treat my preparation as if I am working in a slow cooker; slowly putting piece by piece together until the moment materializes.
Is a Bachelor's or Master’s degree off on the horizon for you? You might not see it now but if the desire is inside you, the horizon exists. So, if I were you, I would start getting ready now, make some choices and begin the preparation process.
If you are thinking about applying and auditioning for a university or conservatory, then here are 10 questions to help you get started. These questions will give you insights into your mental strengths and weaknesses in performance and practice and your ability to set a pre-college life of activities that make you stand out during the admission process.
So, let’s take a few minutes and figure out a few things before spring arrives.
I know what college I would like to attend and why I want to go there.
I have a solid plan to move from high school to college.
I have a solid plan to prepare for my college, university or conservatory audition.
I spend my days practicing to play but not to perform.
I spend my days taking classes that are relevant to the college/major I am hoping to attend/study.
I have a plan on how to reach out and connect with future professors at the university I would like to attend.
I have already set my volunteer hours and they are working out great!
My volunteer hours relate to my prospective degree.
I know whether or not I need to take the SAT and/or ACT tests.
I know how to look for scholarships.
Oh, and one more question for you; Do you already have a close knit community to help support me in my college endeavors?
My most committed students are always the ones who ended up going to their 1st or 2nd choice college. Their commitment is what really made the difference so take yourself seriously. I do.
But, if you still feel confused, shoot me an email and let’s have a conversation. We still have “The Seven Secrets to College Admission” worksheets available. These worksheets have really helped many of my students create a solid conviction in terms of university and college choices and I know it will help you too!
Again, Happy New Year and may 2024 hold an exciting future for you all!